Tuesday, 23 October 2012

College Magazine Cover Analysis

This magazine cover has a Masthead at the top which goes across to show the audience what this magazine is about clearly. It also has the price and barcode in the bottom left corner, typical of a college magazine. The magazine uses 4 different colours and fonts, which is typical, as it doesn’t make it look too plain or too cluttered. The cover also has an advertisement for paintballing in the top right of the page in the pink splat, which draws the reader’s attention away from the yellow, black and white colour scheme. The main image is a male student who has a book 'Law and Society'. This could be to show that students at this college are not only educated, but educated in more complex subjects. The fact that the model for the magazine is a young, black male and is shown in a positive way, goes against how the media traditionally see young, black males. Another story on the cover of the magazine, the 'Make money on campus' story could show that the producers want to show that their students want to achieve and succeed in terms of money, as well as education.

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