Thursday, 15 November 2012

Target Audience Mood Board

As I hope to base my music magazine around a boy band, the main target audience will be young teenage girls, with the ages ranging from 11-16. Because of this, I have to take into account what kind of things they like. I started off with what kind of music they would like, and came to the conclusion of artist such as One Direction, Justin Bieber and Rita Ora. Next I thought about the kind of food they would like, and established that it would probably be fast food such as McDonalds and Pizza Hut etc., due to the fact that they would probably have a high metabolism and so wouldn’t think about what the food is doing to their bodies. Most young girls are probably animal lovers who will ‘aw’ at pictures and so will have a ‘cute’ pet. This is why when it comes to taking my pictures; I hope to use my dog in them with the boy band, as it will appeal to a wider target audience.  Next I thought about what kinds of films young teenage girls watch and enjoy. By the age of 11, they may have grown out of typical children’s Disney films and prefer chick flicks, or romantic comedies. This is why I included ‘Dirty Dancing’ and ‘Mean Girls’. Finally I thought about the kind of TV programmes they would watch. They may watch some programmes aimed at older girls in order to fit in or look ‘cooler’, which I why I chose to put ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ and ‘The Hills’ in my mood board.

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